Hepatic cancer hepatectomy

Hepatic cancer hepatectomy. Hepatic cancer labs

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  • Nicolae Bacalbasa, Simona Dima, Vladislav Brasoveanu, Leonard David, Irina Balescu, Raluca Purnichescu-Purtan and Irinel Popescu Rezumat: Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether hepatic resections of ovarian cancer liver metastases provide a benefit in terms of survival as part of primary, secondary, tertiary, and even quaternary cytoreductive surgery.
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  • Publications Authored by Irinel Popescu PubFacts Hepatic cancer hepatectomy V-ar putea interesa Codul bolii Scopurile protocolului Data elaborrii protocolului Data urmtoarei revizuiri Listele i informaiile de contact ale autorilor i ale persoanelor care au participat la elaborarea protocolului5 A.
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